New Year, New Improvements
January 2021 Newsletter
Physico-Chemical Measurements
With the start of this new year, we are looking forward to expanding and improving our services and solutions for the biotech community. One of our main focuses early this year will be on providing physico-chemical measurements (such as solubility, stability, logD etc.) tailored to the customer’s specific needs by optimizing these experiments with any biological buffers our customers require.
We will also be working to incorporate the purification work with the physico-chemical studies, making Rilas a one stop-shop where purification, analysis, physico-chemical studies and NMR can all be done together. A major benefit of combining these offerings is that with Rilas located in the United States, our customers can easily ship the samples to us with predictable transit times avoiding the costly and inefficient method of having to ship the samples either internationally or to multiple locations. Scientists can also easily track where their samples are in the purification and analytical process with our open and direct communication our customers have with Rilas scientists.
At Rilas, we are always striving to provide the highest quality purification and analytical services so that our customers know that the samples going into biological screenings meet the purity requirements, and with the additional physico-chemical studies Rilas sheds light on the samples that are key further down the discovery and manufacturing pipeline. These major benefits reduce the risk of unwanted surprises, show where the chemistry can be improved, and help pinpoint promising opportunities.
Rilas Technologies, Inc
150-W New Boston Street
Woburn, MA 01801
(857) 231-2078 | rilastech.com | [email protected]