PhysChem Measurements & ReformattingCapabilities
PhysChem Measurements
With the expansion of our analytical HPLC capabilities, we have been able to provide our customers with high throughput compound characterizations including solubility, stability and soon logD determination. We understand the need for these rapid determinations of key physical properties to provide data that is both accurate and predictive. Acquiring these data early in the discovery process increases the confidence in the biological screening results.
For more information or to discuss your compound characterization needs, please email us at [email protected].
Reformatting Capabilities
One of the ways Rilas has streamlined the entire purification process for our customers is through our ability to reformat the final purified compound in our customers’ own barcoded vials ready for submission. We can reformat the final compounds in up to four separate vials. The reformatting is completed accurately and efficiently using our proprietary script on our TECAN Freedom Evo 150 Liquid Handler. This allows the scientists to focus on their syntheses without having to worry about purification or reformatting.
For more information or to request a quote:
Removing the Purification Bottleneck
In the July 2020 edition of Laboratory News, Rilas’ article on Removing the Purification Bottleneck was published in the ThinkTank Section. In this article, we describe how working with Agilent’s 1290 Infinity II Preparative LC/MSD and 1290 Infinity II Analytical Scale LC allows us to perform hundreds of purifications per week which removes the purification bottleneck for our customers.
Rilas Technologies, Inc
150-W New Boston Street
Woburn, MA 01801
(857) 231-2078 | rilastech.com | [email protected]